You Have The Right To The Most Money For Your Trade:
Getting the most for your old car is important. It can impact the deal significantly and that’s why most dealers are very sneaky and cheap when it comes to appraising and valuing your trade. I don’t like that, so I created my “RC Hill Guaranteed Appraisal.” You’ll be involved in your trade appraisal and we’ll be completely open about the process. Together we’ll come up with what’s fair and make sure you get what your car is really worth.
Together we’ll come up with what’s fair and make sure you get what your car is really worth. I’ve teamed up with AutoTrader to offer you an easy way to get a Guaranteed Appraisal from the largest source of Pre-Owned Vehicles. R.C. Hill Mitsubishi allows you to get an actual offer for your vehicle rather than an estimate or range of potential values that many of the other trade-appraisal services provide.
Plus, who says you have to trade in a car for a car? We’ll trade you anything. By now you’ve already realized that we do things a little differently around here and since we know you might have other things of value you’d like to trade, we’re willing to work with you and take anything! That’s right, we’ll trade anything! OK, maybe not that pet giraffe. (We will take ATVs, RVs, trailers, boats, tractors, and things like that. Bring them in and we’ll assess their value for you.)